Monday, October 12, 2009

Choosing the "Right" Wine Glass

Photo features Riedel "O" Viognier Glasses which can be found via

While surfing the Sunday Papers from my laptop this weekend, I came across an article in the Wall Street Journal calling "Glasses, The Background Music of Wine" The article starts off with an unpretentious summary on the importance of wine glasses which basically states the wine glass is just a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to enjoying wine.

Those of you who have ever traveled to Italy or eaten at a traditional Italian Trattoria here in the U.S. may have noticed wine is often served out of a little glass that looks more like something designed to hold orange juice than wine. Yet the wine is no doubt delicious and enjoyable because the food is good, the setting is just right, and the wine compliments the food.

Photo: Courtesy the New York Times

I think one of my favorite wine drinking experiences came out of a plastic cup while camping on the beach. The sun was setting, the bottle of wine had been picked up that day after touring wineries in the Santa Ynez Valley, and the air smelled like campfire. In that setting, you could be drinking straight from the bottle and you would be sure to have a good time!

However, at home and everyday, you want a wine glass that is going to be easy to clean, sturdy, and most importantly easy to drink out of. Our favorite are these wine glasses from Crate & Barrel. I really like the stemless glass for at home use. Also, the glasses are big enough to let the wine breath while they have a nice curvature at the top that allows you to enjoy the aromas of the wine as you sip. Plus, at $2.50 a piece they are very budget friendly. We received ours over two years ago as a wedding present and not a one has broke!

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