Wednesday, September 30, 2009

From Spain, with Love

This summer my husband and I were lucky enough to visit Spain for a week. For anyone who has ever been to Spain in the middle of June knows it can be a
teensy bit on the warm side. Since the weather in California last week brought back memories of hot summer breezes filled with notes of Spanish guitar, I decided to attempt to make one of my favorite Spanish dishes: Gazpacho.

My recipe inspiration was a combination of this lovely Gazpacho from The Pioneer Woman and the culinary genius that can be found in one's How To Manual for a Cuisinart Food Processor.

I have to say, my first Gazpacho definitely did the trick:

For a moment we both felt transported by this cool and subtly spicy soup. Next time you are feeling the urge for something exotic, healthy, and extremely easy I highly recommend this adopted recipe:

2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 diced red onion
1 diced cucumber
5 diced tomatoes
1 diced medium diced green pepper
2 diced celery stalks
4 cups of tomato juice
1/4 extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
Dash of Sugar
Dash of Tabasco (to taste)
Salt and Pepper to taste

To Garnish:

Plain Greek Yogurt (it tastes just like sour cream but so much healthier!)

In the bowl of a food processor or blender, combine minced garlic with half the red onion, half the cucumber, half the tomato, half the green pepper, half the celery, half the tomato juice, olive oil, lemon, a dash of sugar, Tabasco, and a dash of salt. Pulse until all ingredients are well blended but you can still see little speckles of veggies. Pour mixture into a large bowl and add the rest of the tomato juice and half of the remaining onion, cucumber, tomato, green pepper, and celery. Use the rest of the left over vegetables as garnish when you are ready to eat. Stir mixture together and season to taste. Chill soup until nice and cool about 2 hours.

Remove the soup from the fridge and stir. Season to taste. Serve with remaining vegetables, cilantro, avocado, and Greek yogurt.

Monday, September 28, 2009

It's All About the Bubbly

Courtesy The New York Times is this article: Champagne's Aroma Comes from Bubbles which I found to be very interesting and helps prove my motto: Better with Bubbly! After all, if Champagne didn't have the bubbles then really we would be drinking plain old white wine (not that there is anything wrong with white wine, believe me, I love the stuff) Turns out that deliciously sparkling sensation you feel when Champagne or sparkling wine first hits your tongue really does more for the aroma of the beverage than for the flavor. Which leads to the question, do we enjoy bubbling beverages more because of the aroma's they are producing than for the taste? The article does not make a definitive answer on this account. I for one believe aroma and flavor are intertwined therefore it doesn't really matter if the flavor comes directly from tasting the bubbles or smelling them if the end result is delicious!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Relief, In The Form of a Margarita

The heat has been unbearable in Southern California this week! Since we live in a 600 square foot apartment that faces due west with NO air, I was forced to take matters into my own hands, and this was my weapon:

I'm calling them Sparkling Margarita's and they are so simple. Just mix 1 part good ole' tequila (we like Cazadores for its' flavor and at around $24 a bottle it's a good value) 2 part Trader Joe's Margarita Mix and a dash of bubbling Pellegrino water, and finally the juice from half a lime (I like my margarita tart)

The result was a deliciously simple margarita. The Trader Joe's mix has a natural citrus taste that's not too sweet and just perfectly tart. Notice how the margarita's are a normal color and not neon lime green.

The splash of Pellegrino truly adds a nice touch of instant coolness. Just what is needed to combat those lingering hot days...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bubbly and Blissful

San Diego is known for its' ideal moderate temperatures. Today is anything but. The Santa Anas have come. It's hot, dry, and windy (although the air in my apartment is suspiciously still and toasty). One of my favorite refreshing drinks on days such as this is some bubbly Pellegrino with lime.

Something as simple as sparkling water completely transports me to another place. With one sip I imagine I'm sitting at a little cafe somewhere near the sparkling Mediterranean Coast (instead of my little apartment with poor air ventilation)...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Want This...

As I am searching for my first "sweet accessory" my family (on vacation without me in New England) sends me this shot from their iphone. Don't be fooled by the Coors Light logo on those beer pints. Note the lemon inside...if I know my family this sweet delicious lobster roll is being washed down with pure Hefeweizen. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the joys of this German brew, you must try this now. It's usually available at your local Trader Joe's and is the perfect accessory to a late summer meal!

Welcome to Better With Bubbly

For me bubbly is not all champagne and sparkling wine, rather it's an accessory to life's sweeter moments. So this blog is basically that, an "accessories" blog dedicated to the little things that make a meal taste better, a wine taste fuller, and a beer taste richer.